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Daoyuan Yang (From Texas):
我从来没有任何销售经历,起先对销售没有太大信心,好在成为iTalkBB经销商没有任何成本,完全没有经济压力,可以静下心来思考销售方法。由于自己是搞IT的,所以就发挥自己的长处,建立自己的网站来广而告之, 在当年8月就有40人加入iTalkBB服务,这是我始料未及的。当然任何事情都不可能一帆风顺,好在iTalkBB有很好的经销商管理团队,能及时的对我们提供帮助,解决我们工作中遇到的困难,保持经常的紧密联系,这是其它公司不能做到的。
Zhun Gao (From Pennsylvania):
iTalkBB真是个好东西,在享受它带来的方便同时,我觉得一定要把它介绍给其它人,让他们也能得到和我一样的便利。于是我在07年加入iTalkBB经销商行列,我把我切身体会宣传给新客户,在帮助他们省钱打电话同时也为自己带来一些佣金,可谓利己利人。 iTalkBB的便利除了上面所说的,还有它提供iTalkFreedom号码,用户还可以用手机直接打回中国,即使不在家,也一样能和国内保持联系,亲友也可以通过中国通用号码直接把电话打到我的手机上来。
Xiuxia Yu (From Washington):
Jeff Tong (From Texas):
  It has been very exciting experience for being an iTalkBB dealer. In the beginning, I felt I just wanted to make some money, but soon, I realized that I am truly in helping people. It also becomes a fun job that I enjoy to work on. There are many aspects that I can view as a dealer.
First of all, as one the most important ones, is to help people. Not only I have helped many people to save a lot of phone bills, but also I have helped them to optimize their home and office internet services. Like my friend Don, his AT&T bill was $76, and he only pays $25 today, it's almost $50 savings. It is me, as a dealer, introduced iTalkBB plan to him. I also removed doubts on his mind by explaining questions face to face. It became a natural process that he signed up iTalkBB service through me. As for Don's case, he knew that there will be someone available around the corner that can help him when he really needs it. This is a huge advantage for the local dealers because they will trust you first. As another case, my friend Michelle did not have internet service before. She did not know what would take to order internet, and she also had concerns that she would not be able to hook up all connections. She turned to me for help. I did a little research, discussed all the option and ordered the best DSL service for her, she also signed up iTalkBB service and I went to help the installation. These two cases clearly demonstrated dealer values.
It's because of the values we brought into the channel; my customers also have referred many of their friends to me. It's like I am still making sales while at the sleep. This is another benefit when you have a good customer base. Certainly, it takes a little time to build it, that's why the earlier you get started, the better position you will be in.
Secondly, iTalkBB dealership program helps build your network. You will meet many more people when you work on selling iTalkBB service. You also help yourself expand your own network. You will find out there are other opportunities that you have never realized if you have not involved with iTalkBB dealer work.
Thirdly, the dealership program indeed helps me make good commission. If you go out start a business, it requires at least several thousand dollars. The risk is much higher. You can make good iTalkBB commission while you are doing your current job and keeping your existing life style. It's almost zero investment. Why not make some money while you are helping your friends? In the long term, you will also enjoy a good residual income too.
Fourthly, certainly is not the last one, you can practice on your management skills. You will manage your effort, your time and your customer relationships. People will help you, and you will help others as returns. You will manage well and you will be successful because iTalkBB has well trained professional dealership program managers to help you out. iTalkBB dealership program provides an excellent platform for your success.